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If you want your project on the screen, do it yourself.
In this marketplace, I’ve been eyewitness to seeing Oscar winners struggle to get greenlit—studios still say no.
Why wait for Hollywood to fix itself?
Greenlight yourself.
We’re in the best time in history for creators.
Whether you use an iPhone, ARRI, or new tech—it doesn’t matter.
The audience doesn’t care what camera you use.
They just want a great story.
They want characters they can cheer for.
They want Creators who truly get them.
I’ve helped clients build their own audiences.
And when they do, Hollywood chases them.
But here’s the thing:
By then, you might not need Hollywood at all.
One client of mine had already built up their audience.
My job was turning down every major record label and every major production company and studio.
Because they were already making millions from YouTube.
It can happen for you.
So gather a small team who believes in you.
Form a micro-studio. Build your own world.
Stop waiting for permission.
You can do the same.
Greenlight Yourself.